Reasons Why Your Man Might Be Mr.Right or Mr. Wrong

How will you Know if your Man is the Right Person --Read Below 

Love is a powerful thing and without it, a marriage will suffer. Although, love alone does not make a happy couple. It takes a lot more than that. If you find yourself wondering if the man you’ve convinced yourself is Mr. Right might actually be Mr. Wrong, keep reading.

Here are a few steps that will help you know if your man is Mr. Right or Mr. Wrong

#1. He has cheated on your multiple times

Cheating is a choice yet people make mistakes and many married couple will tell you that without forgiveness, it’s hard to make a marriage last. If someone is cheating on you repeatedly, even after promising that they won’t anymore, it’s a nasty pattern. Chances are a ring a vow won’t force them to break that pattern. Run the other way.

#2. He will not even consider premarital counseling.

It’s one thing for your man to do it reluctantly since many men do not like the idea of counseling. However, refusing to do something that will ultimately help you create a strong union is really a bad sign. If he cares enough for the relationship he will go ahead without saying "No"

#3. Shows You Attitude

This is connected to the afore mentioned lack of respect. Couples have arguments, but constant name-calling is unacceptable. If your man calls you stupid, lazy, fat or any other combination of nasty names. He does not deserve you.

#4.He tends to raise his voice at you.

People get in heated fights at times, but being yelled at because of something you said or did really isn’t okay. I think all adults should be mature enough to communicate with inside voices instead of intimidating people with screams and shouts.

#5.He has qualities that make you question his parenting abilities

If you plan to have a family, one of the main things you should think about is whether or not you can see this man being a good dad. If he gives you major reasons to doubt his ability to be a good father to your children, he’s probably not the right guy for you.

#6.He has little regard for the people you love

Your man doesn’t have to absolutely love all of your friends and family members, but he should respect how much you love them and treat them accordingly. You don’t have to love people (or even like them) to be kind.

#7. He doesn't value your opinion

What you have to say should always matter. It doesn’t mean that things will always go your way, it just means that you feel heard and you know your mate places value on what you have to say.

#8.He refuses to discuss the future.

Of course you can’t map out every detail of your lives together, but if he never,  cares to share what ever that lies ahead, simply he doesn't care and love you. it’s kind of suspect.

#9. Always Nag About A Little Mistake

Most often people say when a man nags about anything his woman does it shows he really care and love. Yet the issue is how often does he nags or question about anything you do. Once in a lifetime everyone deserve their right to do their heart desire. If your man often complains about any little you do. It clearly shows he's fed up with you and not love as others do say.

#10. Stops showing care

Love and care should always be the key to a happy relationship . Once your man stops showing it's.  Ask yourself what you did or were you went wrong or you speak with him. If you've already done the above mention yet he doesn't change for the better. It clearly means he's not your Mr. Right.

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