Ways To Become More Irresistibly Attractive To People either to your partner, Friends or Family .
1. Simplify your life:
This easier said than done, simplicity is the hallmark of great achievements, we think alot, wishing to be one person or the other, complicating your life makes you emotionally unavailable, try been simple and be yourself, i promise you everything will fall in place.
2. Eliminating External Validation:
Eliminate the need for someone to validate your thinking. In other words, don’t be motivated by the recognition, opinions, or support of others. That constant need for validation may slip into a dependence on others for motivation. Don’t be guided by what you might think you need to do in order to be popular socially with a certain group of people, or what specific things you think people need from you. Stay in touch with your own genuine authenticity and best-self. Be driven by what you are truly passionate and inspired about. Assume and expect the reality that not everyone is going to like or agree with you.
3. See Everyone for Who they Genuinely are:
“Do unto others What you Wish them to do to you” am not sure you will be happy if someone judge or writes you off without constructive criticism, Continually develop the highest degrees of emotional intelligence, self-awareness, and emotional maturity to effectively interact with those who may drive you crazy. ( practical example on here if someone abuse you on the forum and you reply back politely I use to see alot of likes for such an individual for his intellect) try exhibiting that,as for ladies avoid nags and see if your spouse won’t be over joyful and grateful of you “Don’t Ever Take Things Personally”
4. Never stop learning and growing as a person:
5. Carve out your own reality and personal blueprint for living:
Most of us have adopted a version of our parent’s blueprint, or we have adopted what we perceive to be a popular blueprint for relationship ,there is nothing wrong with that but you need to create your own separate reality and blueprint for living in order to make the most of your life, and attract the people who can help you create and maintain the relationships you truly and genuinely want to have.